We are fundraising to save our planet
In honor of Earth Day, between April 18th and April 22nd, Hollywood Food Coalition is asking for your support to divert even more edible food from landfills and make it available to more communities.
You can also donate through:
Venmo: @HollywoodFoodCo
PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=CA...
Check: Payable to Hollywood Food Coalition, PO Box 480157, Los Angeles, CA 90048
Hollywood Food Coalition has provided hunger relief to unhoused and food-insecure neighbors through hot, healthy meals served every single night of the year, without fail, since 1987. Since then, we have grown into a thriving meal service and food rescue operation providing meals and other basic necessities to food-insecure Angelenos, according to HoFoCo’s ethos of Responsiveness, Consistency, Choice and Community.
We help more unhoused community members on a daily basis than any other social service agency in the neighborhood.
When we share food we not only help with basic needs, but we also remind our guests of their fundamental humanity. We remind them that they are not forgotten, that somebody cares, and that they are still worthwhile members of the human family.
At our core, we actively seek to construct a more cohesive, just, and compassionate community. We serve any hungry person who walks through our door, with no exclusionary intake or prohibitive requirements that would turn them away.
Our Community Exchange, born in May 2020, is a concierge food service that provides small to medium-sized nonprofits with the food they need when they need it, so they can focus on their missions. We’re revamping the current food bank model to help nonprofits build meal programs. We take great care in learning about each organization’s programs and the communities they serve, and then help set up a personalized plan.
The Community Exchange's key strength is that, by doing edible food recovery quite effectively and innovatively, it advances climate justice, social justice, and food justice. By diverting edible food from landfills, thereby reducing the harmful methane gasses emitted by organic food waste decomposing in landfills, the Exchange is able to share over 1,250,000 pounds of rescued food each year with more than 125 nonprofit organizations, improving access to high-quality food for populations all across Los Angeles. By closely tracking the amount of food we rescue, we are able to closely measure our impact on climate pollution reduction. To date, we’ve rescued more than 2,000,000 lbs of food, averaging over 35,000 lbs per week.
Thank you for your generosity and for your support!